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How to setup EX7000 As Wireless Range Extender

How to setup EX7000 As Wireless Range Extender

How to setup EX7000 As Wireless Range Extender

How to setup EX7000 As Wireless Range Extender

steps to How to setup EX7000 As Wireless Range Extender

steps to

How to setup EX7000 As Wireless Range Extender

  • Firstly, connect your system to the EX7000 via a wired or wireless connection and follow next steps of how to install Netgear router EX7000.
  • For a wired connection: Use the Ethernet cable to connect your computer to any one of the available Ethernet ports of the EX7000.
  • To perform a wireless connection, use the Wi-Fi network manager on your wireless computer or any other Wi-Fi device to connect to the NETGEAR-EXT Wi-Fi network.
  • Once connected, the device Extender LED will turn green.
  • Open any internet browser such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome.
  • Now type in the address bar.
  • Tap the NEW EXTENDER SETUP option.
  • Complete the extender setup by filling the required details on the screen and then click Next.
  • This account is created for your EX7000 GUI user name and password.
  • The Netgear genie page appears, select the option Wi-Fi Range Extender.
  • Choose your Wi-Fi which you wish to extend and then click Next. Note: If the router doesn’t support the 5GHz band, uncheck the 5Ghz option before clicking Next.
  • Type your Network pass-phrase or key and click Next. You can now also change the SSID and pass-phrase of your Wi-Fi range extender, or continue with the existing network and password.
  • Click the Next option to save the settings.
  • Once you finish saving the settings, connect the wireless device to the EX7000 SSID before clicking Continue.
  • The Extender is now connected to the existing Wi-Fi network successfully. Click the Next option to proceed further.
  • Now fill the product registration form to access product support, information on new products, software update & notifications. After filling in the form, click the Finish option.

Note: If your device is already registered, you can click on the Skip registration option, which is found on the top of the page.

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